Welcome to our extended tutorial, Mystery of Stolen Diamonds. This is for two players, so get a voice connection to your friend and ask him to open this same page. Then agree who is Player 1 and who is Player 2, read through the introduction to story below and click on your respective links to get your material. Do not peak at the other player’s material.

Two weeks ago a daring crime shocked the whole nation: an extremely valuable collection of diamonds was stolen from the Crown Jewels Museum. No alarms went off and the crime was noticed only some time after. The diamonds were found the next day buried in the ground and they were swiftly returned to the museum. Inspector Smith, well respected amongst his peers, took on the case and began to investigate.

Now the director of the museum is calling the police station, panicking. He explains they’ve run some tests and found the diamonds to be fake. Unfortunately, inspector Smith is on vacation sailing across the Atlantic and can’t be reached. You (Player 1) find his notes, but without the photos of the site where the diamonds were found. Due to a glitch in the police department’s new IT system the photos have been sent to the other side of the country. You call your colleague (Player 2) who has access to the photos. You’re hoping to put the museum director’s mind at ease by solving this right away. Since the new IT system is not working properly, they can’t send the photos over. But surely the two of you can solve this simply by talking things through!

Now that you’ve read the story, the one who chose to be Player 1, please click here.

And the one who chose to be Player 2, please click here.