Welcome to Memory Mystery!
This game will take you through a small story during which you will have to solve puzzles to progress. The puzzles will be solved in these web pages – you can have one or several ongoing at the same time. If you have not yet done so, please check out the Tutorial to get a feel how the locks will work.
Before going forward, you will need to log in with the account information you got when you purchased the game. Please log in here!
First page will give Player 1 his part of the initial story. You can read the stories to each other or roleplay it – as feels best for you. So if you feel comfortable with how everything works you are ready to move forward. In this game the locks are abstract from the perspective of the story – they are memory locks that you have to solve together. If you wish to take time, you can start the timer now. Open your pdf and ask the Player 2 to do the same.
With pdf:s open, move forward. But only if you’re Player 1!