Here you can find the more challenging puzzles for the Christmas Calendar. Please do not open the numbered doors from the calendar unless you wish to play the easier version for that day! If you feel a puzzle is too hard, you can always open the numbered door for an easier puzzle. Or if you want to check your solution for any of the harder puzzles, you can always open the numbered door before the solution door to verify your solution. Maybe you didn’t think of something!
The puzzles will be published on this page. You’ll get a new puzzle every day, so remember to come back every day! Click on the title of the day to open that day’s puzzle. Some days, typically the harder puzzles, have additional hints available for them. You can click them open at any time, but there’s no going back after you’ve been spoiled! Every day there’s one more link for you to open once you’ve solved the puzzle.
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Remember to refresh the page to see the new puzzles!

Day 24 (click this to open or close):

Hint 1
Red square marks the correct door – you don’t need to fill full board.
Hint 2
Are you familiar with Sudoku?
Hint 3
Are all the pictures present in the board anymore in the available doors?
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
There’s only four doors left and with Sudoku rules you can rule out three of those from the center.
Bert loves children and is always pampering them given any chance! In Christmas Bert is then the best Santa Claus the small elves could wish for!

Day 23 (click this to open or close):

Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
You can find words tunnel, helmet, map and candle from the word search describing the correct door.
The moles are always searching for treasure! But they also write a long list to Santa hoping for new treasure maps!

Day 22 (click this to open or close):

Hint 1
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
Picturing the hats of the elves in the paintings as arrows you get this.
Wally the Wall-elf is usually always hiding and checking if other Elves have been nice! But in the Christmas he finally comes out from his hiding place to celebrate with others!

Day 21 (click this to open or close):
Ten to the opened doors
Hint 1
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
The big clock is ten minutes to eight, so ten to 20.00.
As Christmas gets closer all the elves start to really get decorating! The Christmas tree is a long tradition and everyone from young Matt to the old Adalbert participate!

Day 20 (click this to open or close):

Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
Rows 1, 2 and 4 together mean that the correct elf in first picture is the on in the right. This together with row 3 means leftmost is the elf with the book and in the center the one eating cookies from the jar.
Sam the Elf just loves the cookies – he even has a huge stockpile up in the attic. When the Christmas comes he tries to eat chocolate with same passion – but this will only lead to bellyache!

Day 19 (click this to open or close):
The door with red thread.
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
There were originally many doors with red thread but only one is remaining.
Matt the Elf is young and bright! He loves numbers in all colors and also puzzles with numbers. For Christmas he wishes new colorful pens and lots of paper so he can do even bigger numbers!

Day 18 (click this to open or close):
Each elf has a place to sleep, a pet and a favorite food.
- The elf who owns the dog loves cookies
- Who has a pet rabbit?

Hint 1
Look for further information from previous days!
Hint 2
Look at the days 3, 8, 11, 12, 15 and 16 for clues.
Hint 3
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
Can’t be Randy as he has a cat. Can’t be Sam as he sleeps in the attic -> loves cookies -> has a dog. Can’t be Bert as he has to be the one who’s sleeping in basement and has a turtle (no-one else has these two “slots” free).
Daniel the Elf’s passion is art – especially painting! He loves the light of the summer but even more so the light of the stars on a Christmas night – he has practiced the last 100 years to capture it perfectly!

Day 17 (click this to open or close):
Five measures.

Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
Five trumpets away from the target forms a circle and only one still closed door is in this circle.
Lenny the Elf is always helpful and likes to hang paintings, laundry and Christmas lights alike!

Day 16 (click this to open or close):

Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
The correct door is the only one that is covered by a puzzle piece.
The gnomes love to spy and do tricks! Even the elf sleeping in the basement with his pet turtle did not see or hear anything when the gnomes did their famous “swap the jam” prank!

Day 15 (click this to open or close):
Between observing and teddy bear.
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
The only door between the elf using observatory and the teddy bear in the shelf is the correct door.
BOOM! Ken the Chemist-Elf loves experimenting! The explosion is so loud that the elf sleeping in the attic gets his late-night cookie down the wrong pipe! Fortunately he’s stockpiled plenty of them. He loves them!

Day 14 (click this to open or close):
Minutes show the way!
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
The minute arm of the clock points to the right door.
Nick the Elf is very enthusiastic about all sorts of tools! Even if he is quite clumsy with them, he will always finish what he starts! Any elf is happy to receive a gift from him!

Day 13 (click this to open or close):

Hint 1
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
The colors correspond to numbers in the drawings of the child elf. Doing the calculation with them gives you 15 and the only open door in line with 15 is the correct answer.
Calvin the Elf loves the bath! He is the cleanest of all elves – maybe that’s because the others never get in the tub as he’s always there!

Day 12 (click this to open or close):

Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
When you set the pieces to the board one is left over and that tells the correct door.
Lucas the Elf loves reading and is always looking for a peaceful place to read. Every night he reads a night time story to Daniel the Elf who sleeps in the kitchen. After Daniel falls asleep Lucas can continue to read by himself until late into the night!

Day 11 (click this to open or close):

Hint 1
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
A correct triangle will place the X on top of the door to be opened.
When Sam the Elf climbs up to the attic where he sleeps, he always turns on the light in the window because he loves the glimmering of the snowy landscape!

Day 10 (click this to open or close):

Hint 1
Hint 2
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
The image is an abstraction of the berries being fed to the machine.
Will the Elf loves walking in the forest and collecting berries! Usually the elves make a healthy and delicious jam out of it, but one Christmas Will fed green marmalade to the machine to see what would happen. Manny the Elf at the other end of the machine was left puzzled!

Day 9 (click this to open or close):
6, 15; 2, 18
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
Drawing a line from door 6 to door 15 and another from door 2 to door 18 makes a cross marking the correct door.
Danny the drummer elf is always rocking! In Christmas his favorite song is Jingle Bells played with actual jingle bells!

Day 8 (click this to open or close):
White moves

Hint 1
Hint 2
White queen moves – to which square?
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
White queen to A3 is check-mate, and using the grid from day 2 you can find the correct door from A3.
Bob the Elf is one of the kindest elves around, he takes for example Bert the Elf’s favorite dish, Christmas porridge, to him every day. He also loves the swing even more than the children – he’s always swinging even in winter!

Day 7 (click this to open or close):
A door which does not contain even a bit of the following: Red cap, red yarn, lock, tool, candle, jar or clock.
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
The one that does not contain any of the listed elements is the spying gnome behind the hill as his cap is purple.
There’s always competition between elves and gnomes – when Christmas comes this turns into a fun snow fight!

Day 6 (click this to open or close):

Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
In the workshop there’s a clock, an axe and a billhook on the wall, in that order. The order points to ‘D11’. Referring the grid from day 2 gets you the correct door.
Manny operates the jam machine and has a bit of a sweet tooth. One day the machine started making green jam instead of blueberry jam! He still has no idea where it came from.

Day 5 (click this to open or close):

Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
The three pictures above are in straight line and an equal distance apart. If you continue one more step, you’ll find the correct door.
Adalbert is the oldest elf in the whole tree and has seen more Christmases than he can remember. He still gets excited about it every year!

Day 4 (click this to open or close):

Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
The picture is an abstraction of a green pointy elf hat with some flowers around it.
Gary the Gardener keeps very good care of his flowers. For winter he moves the plants indoors and decorates the balcony with Christmas lights instead!

Day 3 (click this to open or close):

Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
Drawing a triangle with the same proportions and angles from above, and putting the top two corners where indicated, the correct door is under the bottom corner.
Stan the Elf takes long walks with his ladybug all year long. They’re both waiting for white Christmas. The ladybug loves playing in the snow, especially with Randy the Elf’s pet cat!

Day 2 (click this to open or close):

Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
If you divide the calendar into a 12 x 5 grid the correct door can be found from B8. Second column from the left, 8th row from the top.
Gordon the Cook-elf loves making ginger bread cookies and other Christmas treats for himself – and others too!

Day 1 (click this to open or close):

Hint 1
Hint 2
Once you have opened the correct door, click here!
The correct one is the elf in the balcony with the scissors. It’s the only one with a shirt with stripes.
Pete the barber-elf is dreaming about white Christmas and Christmas decorations and he will never give up on his stripes!